Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Thoughts, Ponders, and Vegetables- Day 4

I’m on day 3 of walking, got in 30 mins today. I would love to say it’s getting easier and that my body is feeling so much better. But I’m honest and blunt. My body is more exhausted than when I started at the beginning of the week and  I’m forcing myself to get dressed each morning and start the journey. Overall mentally I think it’s helping, not on some spiritual level. But simply because I know I am attempting to do something to reach one of my goals. 

I’m a list checker, so to be able to check the daily walk off each day gives me a feeling of accomplishment. Yes I’m pretty easily amused. Lol

I’m halfway through my flower bed extension project. Still need to pull the weeds from the other half and get flowers for the whole thing. I did plant my mini lemon tree in the corner and pruned up a rose bush that is still remaining from my grandma’s days here at the house. I also got hubs to agree to helping me prep and plant a fall garden. We are going to rent a tiller this weekend to turn the dirt up. After that I will maintain it by hand tools. 

My planting list is: beans, broccoli, chard, collard greens, corn, cucumbers, okra, peppers, peas, strawberries, and tomatoes. This is for the August/September months and come closer to October/November I will add in some winter vegetables. 

Overall this will help us to eat healthier because it gives me some inspiration rather than going to the grocery store and looking at the expensive produce prices. 

We also had a couple of loopholes with our finances that is going to get us caught up and eliminate some of our current debt. So while I was doubting the possibilities, it does look as if I can work towards each of my main 3 goals consecutively.

That’s all today’s ponders, now I’m off to drink water and check off things on the to do list.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Day 3- Thoughts and Ponders

It’s Monday, new week, technically a new month since the 1st was over the weekend, and I’m aiming for a new mindset. 

Attempting to make physical and mental health my priority. I started walking this morning. Got in 33 mins and a good full body sweat ( that’s possibly from the Texas humidity though). My goal for the week is to get in a full 30 minute walk each morning. 

While I’m walking I’ve got a podcast in my ear, hoping for some mental clarity to just clear my mind of all the everyday stresses for that 30 mins. Today I was listening to Joe Dispenza, recommendation from my current book (A Sweet Life in Homemaking by Kate Singh). I’m not sure I’d be a complete follower and believer of his words just yet, but he has a soothing voice and definitely took my mind into a new territory of thoughts. Overall I feel at peace and ready to take on the week. 

Hubs started a new workout routine last night also and I’m very proud of him. He works such difficult hours, it will be hard for him to get in his daily exercise. But he’s got it in his head that he needs to help himself and I will be his biggest cheerleader. Not because I am unhappy with his appearance, but because I feel this is best for his health. 

The rest of the day will involve laundry, ironing for my outside client, and general house cleaning. I also will finish up the flower bed addition and I’m pondering a fall garden, so I want to research for that. 

The weekend was nice, got to hang out with some friends and family we haven’t seen in a few weeks. Definitely was a relaxing weekend and that was a big help in starting our week off with success. 

That’s all the ponderings I have this morning, now I’ll listen to the birds and squirrels while I finish my water. 

Til tomorrow 


Thursday, July 30, 2020

Thursday's Thoughts and Ponders- Day 2

Yesterday was extremely productive, I knocked out everything plus some from my lists. Only thing not checked off was the flower bed and that's cause the lawn guys couldn't make it til today. Today is a lot more laid back than Mon-Wed. Hubs only works half a day and then our weekend starts. 

This whole pandemic thing has brought on a whole lot of extra stress, but one thing I am super thankful for is that I have been given more time to hang out with the love of my life. On a normal weekly schedule, he works 60-70 hours in a single week and by the time he makes it home, he just wants to rest and be left alone. He is completely exhausted. With the current state of life, he is working around 45 hours a week, so that gives us from Thursday afternoon through Monday morning to be together. Yes we are working a side hustle Thursday and Friday nights (driving for UberEats) but at least it's time we are spending together. And it's fun to hang out and drive around, gives us lots of time to talk and share just about anything that comes to mind.

It's a beautiful morning out today, sun is shining, birds are chirping, squirrels running through the trees. Cowboy is napping at my feet, while Layla lounges on the porch railing. Temp is a perfect 76 degrees, though I am positive that is short lived as it's supposed to reach 98 by afternoon. But I love my Texas roots so we just grin and bear it. 

Today's list of to-do's is very short. Minor housecleaning and upkeep, making a lasagna for lunch- hubs is home for lunch. Attempting to make a big lunch on Thursdays and Fridays, gives us a good meal to eat before we go out for the evening and leaves our daughter something good for dinner. We will grab dinner through a drive thru somewhere tonight when there is a lull in orders. 

And that is today's ponderings from this small town wife- feeling very thankful for the place I'm at. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Day 1- Daily Thoughts and Ponders

This morning started really early- 4 am to be exact- and while I'd love to say I am a bright and cheerful morning person, I am not. Got hubs off to work with breakfast and lunch (made sausage/egg burritos and tuna), then I headed back to bed. 
8 o'clock came and that's when I am in a normal state of mind to be up and going. So I had my coffee, read some of the Kindle book I started last night (Life, Love, and Vintage Housekeeping by Alison May), put the trash to the street and now Cowboy and I are watching Layla hunt and torment a defenseless locust. 

Sitting out here on my beautiful front porch pondering about the projects I need to do, the projects I want to do, and the other improvements to the house that I am incapable of doing myself. The list is long and my imagination is endless. Sure wish my bank account was just as endless. 

Debating dinner thoughts- menu says lasagna (and today is National Lasagna Day) but I am just not feeling Italian today. So dinner may turn into enchiladas or fried chicken (fried chicken won).

On today's To-Do list are the normal daily chores- house pick-up, dishes, dinner, and general property upkeep. Additionally I need to bathe the dog, wash our linens, and move this mirror that my sister brought me from the front porch to my room so it can be mounted for my vanity set-up.

Also thinking of starting in on a new addition to my flower bed, really just an extended section of the current. But that is dependent upon when and if the lawn guys show up today. Definitely don't want to be out there on my hands and knees when these fellows show up to cut the grass. 

So many thoughts floating around in my head. 3 major life changes need to take place- 1) I need to become more productive and structured in my day to day life. 2) We as a couple need to eat and become healthier, I love the whole food diet and want to implement that into our lives. 3) Debt pay-off UGH!
These 3 things are weighing heavily in my heart, all are necessary changes that need to take place to make our lives better overall. BUT there's the question of do I start them all in baby steps and hope to not become overwhelmed? Or do I become gazelle intense on each one individually and if I do that how long between them will it take to reach all 3? I need each of them and quite honestly I needed them to happen yesterday. 

And that is today's ponderings of this small town wife.

Thoughts, Ponders, and Vegetables- Day 4

I’m on day 3 of walking, got in 30 mins today. I would love to say it’s getting easier and that my body is feeling so much better. But I’m h...